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Can you upload your updates here as well please?


Has of right now there has not been an update sense June 2024 and it is available on Patreon for free 


Actualizen este juego porfa quiero saber que pasa con el weon ex de hana

So like is the game dead orrr


No, the Patreon has new public posts. Dev probably just forgot to upload them to


Hey if your phone got some free space give this game a try it will worth your time

(2 edits) (+4)

No se que paso, no hay actualizacion ni en patreon desde hace unos meses... 

Espero que se encuentre bien el creador, me ha encantado mucho este juego desde que lo empece a jugar desde el año pasado, sus personajes son muy bonitas y la historia me a gustado.. espero que saquen aunque sea alguna informacion de la posible futura actualizacion :,3

P.D: La actualizacion esta en patreon para todo publico, la ultima actualizacion es la 0.4.6

creo y espero que el creador este bien, ya que hay un post que hizo en junio y publico otro en octubre, creo que toma descansos de meses


Do your self a favor and DOWNLOAD THIS GAME NOW!!!

Honestly I didn't expect much, thou the main history is kinda meh, the characters are what made this game so great, It made me tear, laugh, mad, wow...
There's certain point where you actions do matter wich make this even better. I can't waith for the full release!

Deleted 113 days ago

same for me, it doesnt work for me when i strokes her tail.

Living room

you have to do it in the living room specifically for the scene to work.... you'll understand why when it does

Maaaan está genial, 10/10, esperando la próxima actualización


Me booting the game up first time: maybe I can have some quick fun with this who knows

Me fifteen minutes in: oh my fucking heart I will walk through fire and climb a mountain of knives to help these poor women


me pregunto cuando saldra la siguiente actualizacion, estoy ansioso por continuar mas de esta bonita historia :3


Hello what is the code for the pc?


How do I download updates on Android?


well written, unique and diverse plot and characters, 10/10 🔥🔥🗣️🗣️

Reading the cutest scenes ever really make my heart hurt

Buena historia, buenas Waifus, que mas se puede pedir 

Can anyone who has managed to download it on Android tell me how they did it? I download it but then it tells me file not installed

(1 edit)

You need to turn off your Google protective play off for you to download it, just go to the Google Play store and tap your profile and press play protect and press the settings and you will be able to turn off it off

yep always gotta disable the megacorp restrictions first

I really love this game, the characters are written believably and the writing is very well done to make you feel for and care about them. My favorites are definitely Hana and Rina but it's nice to see the development between the MC and his old friends as well. 

If I could make  a suggestion for the final product, I'd recommend making a point in the story where the level of affection/lust with one character affects the events of the story more. For example, the story for Hana and Rina seems to stop at around 40% Trust and affection so maybe for the continuation of their story you let the player decide who they lock in on and after 50% affection the story and affection events are tailored around the MC's relationship to that character. For example *Spoilers for those that haven't finished the story so far* dating Rina could see you helping to overcome her past traumas growing up and her mother realizing what’s going on with her, then seeing how she reacts to that or dating Lilly would help her to see purpose in life again and you helping her and other characters to start a new life.

I mean this mainly for the roles that affection and lust play since because these characters are written so well and have gone through/are going through a lot of pain, it doesn't feel right to date or play around with multiple of them. Some of the H scenes I can understand since you're still getting to know the characters get but I feel after a certain point (Namely Rina's last H scene) that things should be treated more seriously and have an impact on how the MC and other characters act.

 *Spoilers again

It feels wrong to be able to date and kiss Hana, a single homeless mother who was abused, and then also be able to screw around with her daughter behind her back and then have that not impact the story. If it was just that you could date her and get lewd, that'd be fine, but I don't want to have a harem of women when they're clearly in need of individual love. The lust scene after Rina's panic attack felt just emotionally wrong, even if it the actual scene was enjoyable, it was just the context.
(For reference, the latest version I played was 4.3.1 and I've played a few older builds)

All this being said, I really love this game. I love the characters and want to see more of them. I only write this because I care a great deal and love the game. At the end of the day it's your game and I think you're doing a great job, I just felt a bit concern for what might happen to my beloved fictional furry women. Thanks for reading, best wishes on development

theres a typo in the rina kitchen night scene: Come one -> Come on.

How did you get into that kitchen scene? No matter what I do, nothing

Love this game. Can't wait for more

En algunas partes no aparece el diálogo

(En Android)


I see some beach scenes in the page splash, but I haven't seen a way to go to the beach. It came up talking with Rina and Hana, and Hana agreed to go, but that was it. Is there something I missed or is that not developed/released yet?


I have 20 trust, affection, and lust with Hana, and it says I need to stroke her tail for the list quest, but whenever I do it, nothing happens. Is there something I'm missing?

I was "stuck" there for a while too, if I recall there was a conversation I had to have with her before it would advance. ATM 20 is the highest any of her stats go, but I had a lot of stuff going on with her after reaching that level.

как открыть последние 2 сцены с Риной

1 сцена она должна сосать 4лен а 2 вторая в следущем обновления добавять 


If you guys need the new game version, then you should head over to the game's discord. He posts both public, and patreon updates there.

Whats the discord

(1 edit)

link is above on the page ^^^


Guys if your wondering where the new public update is its on his patreon he simply has not uploaded a link on here yet.

Will this game be on steam?


i cried when i couldn't progress anymore. ;(

Please tell me at some point we get to tell the abusive fuck who abused the adorable fox(please tell me I guessed the species right pretty sure foxes)girls where he deserves to be and kick his ass. I need the cathartic release of kicking his ass or showing how much better of  a man we are than he could ever hope to be with how well we have taken care of the two of them.



Thats beautiful

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

I got a bug with Hinari. It sais i have to stroke her tail to gain access to the next lust scene but when i do nothing happens and the hint stays there. Any help is appreciated, Thanks.

Great game by the way!

Edit: Not sure if this is relevant but all her stats are stuck at 20 no matter what i do.

for me i did pat harder then slow down and then stop, i don't know if you have to do that or just keep doing it over and over again. hope this helps.

20 is as high as her stats go for now. If you haven't progressed far with the other characters, focus on them for a bit. I think you have to also reach a conversation with her to progress further. Like upghost I also had to repeat it a lot and looked at her face/keep going to see full dialog.


What is the codes?


I need more sex with a rabbi

well recently I checked on patreon and since the 7th of this month version 4.5.1 was released for everyone :3

I think my save broke there isn't anymore hints for rina and i am missing the last scene after the midnight cookie one. Any Idea on how to fix it?

If I remember correctly, you need to speak to Rina after that and then you can go to her room then the MC's room to unlock the last scene.

Tried talking to her in every single stage of the day, nothing seems to trigger. Am I missing requirements or something?


Guys, version 4.5.1 has been released publicly on Patreon


Hi guys, I would like to let you know that the game is not abandoned but rather had its 4.5 private version, however on Friday version 4.5.1 was released, and perhaps it will be released to the public 

How can i unlock the scenes with Rina?


Dude, I have a bad feeling that this will have NTR, I don't know why but I feel like it will happen, I just hope my feeling is wrong because that would ruin the game 100%.


Totally agreed


Technically we have already NTRed the abusive fuck who hurt the foxes. However if there is more yea I will drop it am not into that.

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