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espero que este juego no se vaya a cancelar, la verdad me ha encantado muchisimo desde aquella vez que jugue la version 4.1

Esta muy buena su historia :,3

how do I download the new version if my discord doesn't work?

Is there any new version that didn't upload here?

ты нашёл новую версию ? Очень хочется поиграть дальше 


Is this dead?

(1 edit) (+2)

No it can't be updated on here no more because it's to big is what I heard on discord go to discord or patreon I got the newest version on discord

oh ty, they should write it here

Your welcome 😁

Wait 0.4.6 is available in discord and you have it??

Well not that 4.4.1 I have on discord u want a link

I had the codes last year but my phone broke so I don't have the codes anymore


So I'm not sure if the Dev's forgot about Itch but they are still active, maybe not as much as some people would like (As far as I'm aware their latest version is 0.4.6) And their last Post was welcoing in the New year. 

So hit them up on their Patreon but don't give up the Game is not dead

Primera vez que me quede mas agusto con la historia que otros juegos. traduccion al español. e historia 9/10 no es perfecta pero es entretenia. es recomendanble si. incluso si saltas el NSFW es entendible.

(1 edit)

I love this game I think it's one of the best in history and NSFW but I don't hate its scenes lol well I feel like I have a glitch because when I enter the gallery I can't get out of her and I only have rina's when I literally already have everything by Hana Rina Lyli Fauna and Della and speaking of her, she is a bit buggy since she tells me to spend more time with her but every day I talk to her or spend more time well anyway 20/10


When are they going to update the game again 😔


I hope so

Its free to download until 5.1 on their patreon. Or it was if not anymore

hey so unfortunately we are starting up production again but we will be IP banning you from downloading and veiwing our product. Only you, fuckass


Hey if I said something that u didn't like I'm sorry just ask a question is all most craters give up on the game or have problems keeping up with it I didn't mean anything by that

I'm not sure why you are trying to kiss up to someone who, A isn't a Developer and 2 if you just clicked through their profile you can see is just some hormonal teen with a pension to sproud nonsense.

XD I didn't even know to be honest 

D1 Clogger hater. Just say ur part of the anti cloggers. *spits on u* fuckass



ask, is it complete?


Una pregunta el juego en si viene con traducción al español o solo biene en su idioma original 


tiene traduccion al español, pero esta hecho con IA/traductor de google  (hay unas partes donde la traduccion esta muy xd)


Hello game developers, the game is just wonderful 100000 out of 10, maybe add in affection hugging Hanna, Rinna, etc.; add a beach. Well, that's all, but thanks for the game, I really liked it


I love this game, would still play if they censor the hell out of all the nsfw scenes ❤️

Empecé a jugar este juego desde ya hace unos días, ta chido, pero algo que me preocupa es que en la toma de decisiones de cada personaje, cometa alguna mala decisión que altere toda la historia de la personaje o demás personajes, me gustaría que alguien que ya lleve un tiempo en el juego que si me podría confirmar está afirmación, también me gustaría saber si hay finales en el juego, algo como final feliz, triste, algo parecido, o si el juego se basa en mejorar(completando misiones) las tres estadísticas de todas las personajes del juego, solo querría saber algo más del juego(claramente sin spoilers)antes de cometer algún error. Gracias.

P.S.= I read english coments too, don't worry if you wanna answer in english :)

Cabe aclarar que soy nuevo en el juego 

Saludos de Latinoamérica, si otro hispano hablante lee, le recomiendo encarecidamente descargar este juego, es muy bueno y la traducción está muy bien lograda 

Mrdracosaurus thanks for make a good game and good luck with this and next projects

Me alegra ver hispanohablantes aquí :)


Its been one year later without updates. The creator has long since left for another site to post updates, and then finally Patreon. I loved the game because it was unusual and included in the top 10 best hentai games on this site 2-3 years ago, but now that's in the past.
If the creator finally releases an update, then the stigma of suspricon from the audience will remain, which left us without news for a long time.

P.S. It also deletes old updates, so you have to rummage through pirate sites to see the old bright orange colors of the fox cubs again and get sex with naked Rina with cheats.


Almost a year without updates, are we going for the second one? I hope not. 


guys was already came out. come to discord and check it out. and o.4.6 is developing


Disc invitation isn't available in this page :/


hace unos 5 dias el creador publico unas imagenes de feliz navidad en Patreon...


When the next update come?


No news  since October 2024 I hope everything's ok and I hope this doesn't get abandoned


incredible!!! This game is so cute... love a human + anthro relationship

please add a translation into Russian in the next update

What is the code for the computer?


"Fluffy tail"


When will the next update come out?

Дорогие разработчики, а когда будут новые сцены с Риной?

Alguien sabe el código de la PC??


Dinero infinito 

When will the next update of this work of art come out?

they released version 4.5.1 on patreon (public)


fuck you


When is the next update for this?

version 4.5.1 public available on their patreon


why'd I get banned from the discord?

I'm full of affection. Why can't I even trigger the plot

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